Every client benefits from industry leading technology that offers continued transparency into your carrier accounts and dynamic weekly reporting. RCS best-in-class proprietary technology delivers the same solution for our clients shipping a few packages per week as well as those clients shipping thousands of packages per day. Our cloud-based SaaS model delivers real, confirmable savings. The divisions of RCS deliver solutions from weekly parcel and LTL/Freight auditing, to analytics and benchmarking resulting in better carrier rates, to a turnkey multimode Transporation Management System (TMS) with both deep shipping discounts and a cloud-based robust user interface.
Late Package Refunds
RCS’s WeeklyAUDIT™ can automatically secure refunds for all late packages, in accordance with the terms and conditions of the carriers, directly to your carrier account. We do not handle or manage your money, we are focused on making sure that you are credited for all late packages. Each package listed on your weekly report matches up to the adjustments on your carrier invoices - if we include it, you can confirm it using a number of custom software tools built into your reports.
Going beyond auditing for late delivery, the RCS solution supplies multiple advanced benefits including:
- void credits/manifested but not shipped (credits for packages charged to your carrier account but never actually shipped)
- address corrections
- custom and weather delay notices
- integrated service charge tool
- duplicate billing
- 3rd party use
Every client regardless of size has access to their online weekly and monthly reports. RCS is not simply restating what you can see in your carrier invoices, in that, we are not producing another file for you to translate. RCS's reports are an interactive, dynamic look at your shipping activity across all carrier accounts. The detailed reports include everything needed to perform an analysis of shipping and transportation trends and provide highlights for additional areas of savings.
Advanced Technology
Every client, regardless of size, benefits from industry leading technology that offers continued transparency into your carrier accounts and weekly refunding. RCS technology delivers the same solution for our clients shipping a few packages per week as well as those clients shipping thousands of packages per day.